CirrusLabs Blog

Boost Call Center Operation Efficiency with a Unified Agent Desktop

Written by Anil Raghavendra Kulkarni | Jul 29, 2024 5:31:11 AM

In today's competitive landscape, call center operations are under immense pressure to deliver exceptional customer service while decreasing costs. Agents often need help with toggling between multiple applications and systems, hindering their ability to resolve customer issues efficiently. This can lead to increased error rates, longer handling times, and, ultimately, unhappy customers. 

Would a Unified Agent Desktop powered by AI help agents struggling to meet clients' volume and quality expectations? After analyzing the work and conditions of thousands of call center employees working on SAP testing, Agile Testing, testing tools, and call center operations globally, CirrusLabs is working towards a core solution for Call center operations. It is being built to empower agents to streamline their workflows and provide exceptional customer service. 

The Power of a Unified View 

Our Unified Agent Desktop aims to provide the information your agents need, readily available at their fingertips.  This new unified system will eliminate the need for agents to switch between numerous screens and systems.  We provide a single pane of glass view of each customer interaction by seamlessly integrating your existing CRMs, phone systems, and other back-end tools. Here are some of the exciting features that a unified desktop can deliver for agents: 

  1. Pre-designed Templates: Quickly onboard your agents with industry-specific templates that cater to the specific needs of any organization. Whether you operate in Banking and finance, Healthcare, or any other industry, we have a customizable template to get you started. 
  2. Seamless Integrations: Our Unified Agent Desktop integrates with all leading Call center operations platforms, including Cisco Finesse, Avaya, Amazon Connect, and more. This ensures a smooth transition and leverages the power of your existing investments, bundled with AI, to enhance the return on investment for your efforts. 
  3. Streamlined Workflows:  Agents can access all CTI controls, including call answering, transferring, and holding, directly from the Unified Agent Desktop. This eliminates the need to navigate through complex menus and saves valuable time. 
  4. Automated Screen Pop:  As soon as an inbound call arrives, relevant customer information automatically appears on the agent's screen.  This allows for a faster and more personalized greeting. Agents don’t need to ask customers to confirm their contact details each time they call with a complaint. 
  5. Enhanced Customer Experience: With all customer information readily available, agents can fully understand the customer's history and provide a more efficient and targeted resolution, which will help improve the customer's overall experience. 
  6. Increased Agent Productivity: By eliminating the need to switch between applications, call center agents can focus on what matters most—resolving customer issues quickly and accurately. This reduces Average Handling Time (AHT) and increases first-call Resolution (FCR). 
  7. Improved Agent Satisfaction: A streamlined workflow and easy access to all the necessary information leads to a more positive and productive work environment for your agents. 
  8. Reduced Costs: Our Unified Agent Desktop can significantly lower overall call center operating costs by increasing agent efficiency and reducing errors. Once processes are streamlined, the initial investment will be worth the return on investment over time.

Unified Agent Desktop: A Deep Dive for Healthcare and Insurance 

We understand that every call center operation has unique needs.  Our Unified Agent Desktop is fully customizable to fit your workflows and business requirements. This ensures your agents have the tools to excel and deliver exceptional customer service. 

Complex customer interactions, stringent compliance requirements, and a need for rapid, accurate decision-making characterize the healthcare and insurance industries. A Unified Agent Desktop (UAD) is a critical tool for addressing these challenges by providing agents with a consolidated view of customer information, streamlining workflows, and enhancing overall operational efficiency. 

Unique Challenges in Healthcare and Insurance 

Complex Customer Profiles for patients and policyholders with varying information make it essential for a UAD to aggregate and present this information promptly and effectively. Healthcare and insurance industries are highly regulated. UADs must adhere to compliance standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA. Agents often make critical decisions based on complex medical or insurance information. UADs should integrate with decision-support tools and analytics to provide relevant insights. 

Tailoring the UAD for Healthcare and Insurance 

To address these specific industry needs, UADs in healthcare and insurance should incorporate the following features: 

  • Patient/Policyholder Records Integration: Seamless integration with electronic health records (EHRs), claims systems, and policy databases. 
  • Clinical Decision Support: Integration with clinical decision support systems to provide treatment recommendations and guidelines. 
  • Fraud Detection: Integration with fraud detection tools to identify suspicious activities and protect against fraudulent claims. 
  • Compliance Adherence: Built-in features to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards. 
  • Data Privacy and Security: Robust data encryption, access controls, and audit trails to safeguard sensitive patient/policyholder information. 

A consolidated view of patient demographics, medical history, medications, allergies, and insurance information combined with Clinical Alerts and Reminders can help with real-time alerts for critical patient conditions, medication interactions, or overdue appointments. Finally, seamless integration with billing and claims systems for efficient payment processing will help companies understand the end-to-end process and give them data to make informed choices. 

Access to Policyholder Profile can give agents a comprehensive view of policyholder demographics, coverage details, claims history, and financial information. Integration with underwriting tools and databases for real-time risk assessment helps reduce errors and manual labor when AI can simplify tasks. Streamlined claims processing with automated workflows and document management and integration with fraud detection systems to identify suspicious claims. 

By leveraging the power of a UAD, healthcare and insurance organizations can enhance patient/customer experiences, improve operational efficiency, and drive better business outcomes. Today's customers expect personalized interactions, with 71% frustrated when they don't receive them. Call center operators must go beyond solving problems and create a frictionless and positive customer experience.  While agents often face frustrated customers with time-sensitive issues, delivering fast and empathetic service is difficult due to data silos and inconsistent conversation history.   

Agents waste valuable time toggling between multiple screens to access vital customer information. This fragmented approach disrupts workflows and unnecessarily burdens agents.  The next time you see a declining customer satisfaction score, consider this: are your agents equipped with an efficient system that empowers them to focus on the customer experience rather than screen-toggling? 

Contact CirrusLabs today to learn more about how our Unified Agent Desktop can help you improve agent efficiency, enhance the customer experience, and boost your bottom line. Hyper-automation unlocks numerous opportunities for agents. Our next blog will explore streamlined, unified desktop automation that contributes to a frictionless customer experience. Stay tuned!