CirrusLabs Blog

AI on Autopilot: How Machine Learning Fuels Powerful Business Insights

Written by Shiboo Varughese | Jul 23, 2024 2:08:48 PM

How we design, construct, and operate buildings is transforming. At the heart of this change is the increasing adoption of Machine Learning (ML), a powerful tool within Artificial Intelligence (AI). ML algorithms can uncover hidden patterns and relationships between building characteristics and performance metrics by leveraging the vast amount of data collected across the industry.  

Imagine a world where data isn't just a collection of numbers but a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be unearthed. This is the power of Machine Learning (ML) in action. ML is the fuel that propels AI models, transforming raw data into actionable insights that can revolutionize your business. Here's a deep dive into how Machine Language trains AI models to unlock valuable knowledge: 

The Learning Curve: How ML Trains AI Models 

Think of an ML algorithm as a student eager to learn.  Here's how the training process unfolds: 

  1. Data Acquisition: The first step is gathering data relevant to your business goals. This could be customer purchase history, website traffic logs, social media sentiment analysis, or even sensor data from equipment. The more relevant and high-quality the data, the better the AI model will learn.
  2. Data Preparation:  Raw data is often messy and needs cleaning. ML algorithms can handle imperfections, but inconsistencies can lead to inaccurate learning. Techniques like data cleaning, normalization, and transformation ensure the data is in a format the algorithm can understand.
  3. Choosing the Right Model:  There are various ML algorithms, each with its strengths. Common choices include decision trees, neural networks, and support vector machines. Selecting the right model depends on the type of data and the insights you seek.
  4. Training the Model:  This is where the magic happens. The prepared data is fed into the chosen ML algorithm. The algorithm analyzes the patterns and relationships within the data, constantly refining its understanding. This process is iterative, with adjustments made until the model achieves the desired level of accuracy.
  5. Evaluation and Refinement: Once trained, the model is tested on unseen data. This helps assess its generalizability—its ability to make accurate predictions about new information. Based on the results, the model might be refined or tweaked to improve performance.

Unlocking Business Insights Through AI Models 

 Now comes the exciting part: applying the trained AI model to real-world business scenarios: 

  • Customer Segmentation:  Analyze customer behavior patterns to identify distinct customer groups. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized product recommendations. 
  • Predictive Maintenance:  By analyzing sensor data from equipment, AI models can predict potential failures before they occur. This proactive approach saves businesses money and minimizes downtime. 
  • Demand Forecasting:  AI models can analyze historical sales data and market trends to predict future demand. This helps businesses optimize inventory levels and production schedules. 
  • Risk Management: Analyze financial data and market trends to identify and mitigate potential risks. This allows businesses to make informed investment decisions. 

The Double Diamond Approach 

The Double Diamond Framework is a powerful tool for software development that emphasizes understanding the problem before jumping to solutions. The first diamond, the Research Diamond, lays the foundation for successful innovation by focusing on exploration. The team sheds light on the core issue or opportunity through various activities. 

Discovery: This phase is all about gathering insights. User research techniques like interviews, surveys, and usability testing uncover user needs, pain points, and frustrations. Analyzing competitors helps identify market trends and understand what existing solutions offer. Stakeholder interviews ensure everyone's perspective is considered, from business goals to technical feasibility. The team starts forming a clear landscape picture by gathering this comprehensive data.

Define: With a wealth of information from the discovery phase, the team defines the problem statement precisely. This involves pinpointing the target audience – who exactly are we trying to help? What specific challenges do they face in their daily activities? What would an ideal solution look like for them? By clearly defining the problem, the team ensures that their focus remains laser-sharp throughout development. They're not just building a feature but crafting a solution that addresses a well-defined user need. This clarity becomes the guiding principle for the next stage: the Solution Diamond. 

Implementing the Double Diamond Approach for an Insurance Client 

  1. Predicting Appeal Outcomes for Policy Holders 

    A new policyholder with an existing condition could not recover from a back surgery requiring extensive Physical Therapy. Due to exhausting the maximum number of annual visits, it was denied by the service provider. The aim was to extend the number of annual visits to help the policyholder achieve extended care. We hoped to reduce the turnaround resolution time for the client. The appeal was supposed to mitigate the risk because this adversely affected the patient’s health severity while helping new policyholders access equal benefits. 

  2. Arbitration Failure Rate

    The insurance company faced a 75% Arbitration Failure Rate of In-Network / Out-of-Network. One of the back surgeries required an out-of-network specialized cardiac doctor to be included in the Emergency Care Procedure. The customer was unaware of this requirement, and payment reconciliation caused arbitration failure. We aim to reduce the cost and efficiency overhead by ensuring dispute resolution happens within 30 days or less. There also needs to be a fair reimbursement payment rate to ensure minimum biases. 

  3. Summarization and Root Cause Analysis 

    Users have difficulty finding, searching, extracting, and understanding policy documents. With policy, documents are frequently updated with new guidelines and rules for prior authorization cases and cross-references. The aim was to customize and personalize the documents based on the Audience and Task. The goal was to mitigate risks that were otherwise affecting the reliability and accuracy of the policies. Selectable Ingress, Content Modalities, Content Format, and Length can be variable and flexible to support decision-making. Along with this issue, we have been seeing an increase in claim denial. To understand the reason behind the denial, we try to utilize interpretable and Inspectable details to ensure that non-technical audiences can understand it.

Benefits of Double Diamond Approach for Software Development 

  • User-Centered Design: The Double Diamond prioritizes user needs throughout the process, ensuring the developed software caters to their actual problems. 
  • Reduced Risk of Failure: By iteratively testing and refining solutions, the framework helps identify and address potential issues early on, reducing the risk of developing a product that doesn't meet user needs. 
  • Improved Innovation: The framework encourages exploration and creative thinking, leading to more innovative and effective software solutions. 
  • Enhanced Communication: The visual nature of the framework fosters collaboration and communication within the development team. 

Practical Implementation of the Double Diamond Approach 

  • Kick-off meeting: Define the project goals and target audience. 
  • User research: Conduct interviews, surveys, or usability testing to understand user needs and challenges. 
  • Problem definition: Clearly define the problem statement based on the research findings. 
  • Ideation workshops: Brainstorm potential solutions with the development team. 
  • Prototyping: Develop low-fidelity prototypes to test different solution concepts with users. 
  • User testing: Gather user feedback on the prototypes and iterate on the design based on their input. 
  • Development and implementation: Develop the software based on the chosen solution and user feedback. 
  • Deployment and post-launch support: Launch the software and continue to gather user feedback to refine further and improve it. 

Beyond the Benefits: A Balanced Approach 

Model Complexity vs. Interpretability:  Complex ML models might deliver superior results, but their inner workings can be opaque, making it difficult to understand why they arrive at specific predictions. This can be a concern for transparency and control. 

Statistical Methods: Traditional statistical methods like linear regression can be more interpretable and require less implementation expertise. In some cases, they might achieve comparable results to ML, especially when dealing with well-defined problems. 

Data-Driven Decision Making:  Move beyond gut instinct and make strategic decisions based on concrete insights derived from data analysis. 

Improved Efficiency: Automate repetitive tasks and optimize workflows, freeing up human resources for more strategic activities. 

Enhanced Customer Experience:  Personalize interactions, predict customer needs, and provide exceptional customer service. 

Innovation:  Uncover hidden patterns and trends that might not be readily apparent, leading to new product development and market opportunities. 

The Future of AI and Business: A Collaborative Approach 

While ML is crucial in training AI models, human expertise remains vital. Human experts provide context and understanding of the business problem. This helps guide the selection of relevant data and the most appropriate ML models. Some ML models can be complex, and human expertise is needed to interpret their results and translate them into actionable insights. As AI continues to evolve, ethical considerations become paramount.   

Humans are crucial in ensuring AI models are unbiased and used responsibly. By combining the power of ML with human ingenuity, CirrusLabs managed to unlock a treasure trove of insights and propel themselves toward a future of data-driven success.